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Scotland Travel Blog April 08

"Mike has a Moan"

The Travel diaries are a bit dull this month! We had a very hectic time with lots of enquiries about Customised Tours. This can be very time consuming because each tour has some variation and we get involved in a lot of email correspondence whilst developing the route that best suits the customers needs.

It is enjoyable because we develop a friendship with our customers and always look forward to hearing about their holidays after they come home. We'd love to be able to meet all of the people that we make tour itineraries for, but there just isn't enough time in the day to do it all.

It is also very frustrating when someone requests a Customised Tour, bombards you with questions about the route and the places to see, but then never buys a customised tour. Fortunately, this type is in the minority, but we are just a small operation and time wasters are a BIG annoyance!

OK, that's the moan finished.

This month I set off at "Silly o'clock" to drive around the streets of Edinburgh. Why!? Well Edinburgh City Centre's roads are in a state of confusion due to the installation of the new Tram System. Consequently, I had to drive around the city at 5am in the morning taking note of the new "Diversion" routes. We take our route directions seriously!

Edinburgh York Place at 7am... looking quiet.

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