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Scotland Travel Blog January 07

"Old Faithful"

I'm afraid that we've been stuck in Ayr this week and haven't got a great deal of travel tips or new discoveries to report today. Well there is one important discovery and that is that the intermediate shaft bearing on Mike's car is dying a slow, but rather noisy death. Any mechanical types out there will know what this means, but for the rest of you its the wotsit that holds the thingey-me-bob that drives the wheels.

We've been driving around Scotland wondering if it was just our imagination or if there really was a strange vibration at our feet. The problem hasn't been helped by some of the atrocious farm tracks that we've driven along to try and find good photo opportunities for the website. We just hope that you like the website and buy enough tours to allow Mike to repair his faithful 16 yr old car so that it can do another 180,000 miles.

Old Faithful in the Cairngorms

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